Looking for do-able daily tips
to help you get a little greener?
Look no further than Ideal Bite!
This stylish website and tip-a-day service is all about small changes that can add up to a big difference. Whether you sign up for daily "bite-size ideas for light-green living" or just take a few minutes to explore the site, I think you'll agree that Ideal Bite is pretty darned tasty.
I got lost in the Food & Drink tip library for an hour the other day, and emerged a little smarter and hungry for more! Daily emails bring tips on a wide-range of topics right to your inbox, on everything from choosing eco-friendly candles to all-natural (and surprising) diet tips.
Ideal Bite was founded by Heather and Jen, two fun-loving gals that remind us of another pair of online pals we know. ...Who could they be?
While we try to figure that out, check out this awesome site to help kick off a greener '09!
I love it :)
Thanks for the heads up!
Thank you for your sharing...............
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