This quote is from the Lion Coffee website, and after waking up with Kona's finest for the past few days, I'm inclined to agree.
At the recommendation of a friend, I ordered from Lion last week, seeing as I'd reached the end of my rope with the coffee selection at my usual stores. I always seemed to find myself in a Goldilocks situation with the brands available at Kroger and Whole Foods - either the coffee was too bitter or too mellow, too expensive or too hard to find in-stock. I've just never been able to settle on a favorite. Exasperated, I posted a Facebook update, which lead me to Lion Coffee.
Based in Hawaii, Lion Coffee offers a wide range of 100% Kona varieties, as well as flavored coffees, teas and cookies. For my first order, I chose the Original Lion blend, the Diamondhead Espresso and the Vanilla Macadamia decaf. As for the Original Lion, it is indeed flawlessly smooth and subtly sweet, as described. To tell you the truth, I don't believe I've ever tasted coffee quite so smooth as this. And at $7.95 for 10 oz., it's a bargain to boot!
The ordering process was also very easy, and delivery via UPS was inexpensive and prompt. I'm now a big fan of Lion - in fact, I may add a t-shirt to my next order, so I can be a walking billboard for my new favorite coffee.
I brought Lion Coffee back from Hawaii, to enjoy and for gifts. The last trip was in 1998, and I had totally forgotten this tasty brew!
Thanks for sharing the website info. I'm going to order some right away.
Good deal :)
I'm an eight o'clock fan, as far as grocery store stuff goes. Locally, White Rock Coffee is probably my favorite, I have their breakfast blend at home currently.
Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters...local and affordable! Free delivery if you live in the OC area.
very nice thanks for sharing........
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