This behind-the-scenes look at one of the most famous, most glamorous, most star-studded restaurants in the world promises to be quite a bowlful of "mental popcorn" (as mom would say) for us fans of haute cuisine. A preview article in the New York Times also explores the film's deeper meaning - how it captures the struggles and triumphs of a close-knit family running a business together.
Don't know about you, but we absolutely can't wait - ladies and gentlemen, set your TiVo's!
I'll have to check it out, C&S. We have both HBO and Tivo, so that shouldn't be a problem. I believe Le Cirque also has a Las Vegas branch in The Bellagio. Might have to check it out on my next trip!!
Great! Be sure and leave a comment and let us know your thoughts on the movie. I'll be commenting on it too!
C&S, the show last night was heavenly (pardon the pun). Thanks so much for recommending it.
I must get your take on something. When Le Cirque received their original NY Times review, did you feel the two star rating was justified? My wife and I both agreed: Yes. Why? It seems the writer spent a lot of time criticizing many things, but the one thing he seemed to focus on was the fact that Siro spent most of his time welcoming celebrities, while (apparently) ignoring other diners. For me, that's one of the few Cardinal sins of service. Yes, you should spend extra time welcoming bigwigs, as they will help bring the publicity that generates more business. However, my dollars are just as good as anyone elses, and if I'm a customer, and you ignore me, then I probably won't be back. What are your thoughts?
Hi again Food Czar!
I think you've hit on one of the core themes of the movie - Le Cirque was and is as much or about *who* is eating there as *what* they're eating. At least, that's what I took away from watching the documentary last night.
That theme played out in many scenes, most notably the one where father and sons were arguing about the concepts of the bar vs. the dining room. The sons envisioned the bar area as a place where any old Joe could stop in for a bite (no jacket required), but Dad just didn't seem on board with it. You got the impression that he defined himself, in a way, by the people he hosted on a nightly basis.
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